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Decals with Japanese sayings and proverbs (JDM)

Check our new decals with Japanese sayings and proverbs. They're wisdom words from ancient times, short popular saying of unknown authorship, expressing some general truth, superstition or wisdom. Some of them make you ponder and think, some of them make you laugh, and some put you straight on path of enlightenment.   猿も木から落ちる。 (Saru mo ki kara ochiru) Literally: Even monkeys fall from trees.Meaning: Everyone makes mistakes. / Nobody's perfect.    虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。 (Koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu) Literally: If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub. Meaning: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. / You can't do anything without risking something.   蓼食う虫も好き好き (Tade kuu mushi mo sukizuki) Literally: There are even bugs that eat knotweed.Meaning: There's no accounting...

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Custom Vinyl Lettering – the fastest and simplest way to express yourself

Your own car is not a lesser representor of your personality than your clothing, clean shoes or unique accessories. Regular car wash, some air freshener and maybe fancier wheels are common and more or less go without saying. But sometimes it’s just not enough. In order to express yourself, you have to put a bit more imagination and a bit more effort. There are many ways how you can customize your car starting with luxurious leather or fur interior, elaborated aerography, car wrapping ending with simpler customizations like car light tinting. But this time we gone talk about Custom Vinyl Lettering – one of the simplest, fastest and probably the cheapest way to pimp up your car and surprise your...

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