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What it is Oilslick Chrome Vinyl (Also known as Holographic Rainbow and Neo Chrome)

 We specialise in making the best quality vinyl products possible. The StickyArtEu has been receiving a lot of questions on what it is oilSlick vinyl and how looks like in real life. That’s why we want to make sure everyone can understand the differences between chrome vinyl and oilslick chrome. It’s not rocket science :).


Have a quick look at the vinyls above. Do you notice any different between them?

Regular chrome vinyl looks like a mirror but chrome finish gives a distorted reflection. At cloudy day chrome Vinyl and Neochrome can look similer but the real fun begins in the good lighting:

 We are not selling Vinyl for car wraps, but we can make any decal from oilslick vinyl. Check out the video below for an example of what this looks like. Thankfully we can speed it up so you won’t be watching for hours!


Check our store for oilsclick decals or create your own

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