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All StickyArtEu users can now upload fonts and easily apply them to custom text vinyl decals. (multilingual fonts supported)

We are really excited to announce the free font uploader! This new feature allows all our customers to upload their custom fonts without extra cost. For brands, it is essential to keep consistency across all of your designs. For individual users, using your own font is a great way to express your creativity and personalize your designs. To upload your own fonts, follow these 4 simple steps: 1. Click on the "Font" button. 2. Scrol down till bottom, Click on Upload…3. Browse and select your custom font from your device. A 'Regular' version of your font is required. Note*This will be in .OTF recommended, other font formats can work not properly(don't forget to unzip if needed).4. Click on the Upload...

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What is vinyl decal and does it worth to put it on your car?

We all want to have a nice-looking car. It is not enough to have a nice car, you also need to have the right accessories on it so it looks even more attractive. One of these accessories are car decals. Car decals are vinyl stickers that are usually put on the body of the car for decoration purposes. They can be in any shape or size, but most often they are rectangular in order to fit the shape of the particular model’s doors and windows. There is no question that getting a decal will make your car look more unique and cool, but is it worth putting one on your car? The truth is that it all depends on what...

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Decals with Japanese sayings and proverbs (JDM)

Check our new decals with Japanese sayings and proverbs. They're wisdom words from ancient times, short popular saying of unknown authorship, expressing some general truth, superstition or wisdom. Some of them make you ponder and think, some of them make you laugh, and some put you straight on path of enlightenment.   猿も木から落ちる。 (Saru mo ki kara ochiru) Literally: Even monkeys fall from trees.Meaning: Everyone makes mistakes. / Nobody's perfect.    虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。 (Koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu) Literally: If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub. Meaning: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. / You can't do anything without risking something.   蓼食う虫も好き好き (Tade kuu mushi mo sukizuki) Literally: There are even bugs that eat knotweed.Meaning: There's no accounting...

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Buy any 2 decals from our store and get a 3rd item FREE! (*add 3 items to cart and you will get lowest price item free) Need only one item? Enter code MINUS10 at checkout page to get 10% Off Spend $15 USD and get FREE worldwide shipping too! This is a limited period Offer valid till 31st May, 2019

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Holiday Gifts

Happy holidays - enjoy Free Stickers and up to 30% on all products as our gift to you. Buy any sticker and get Instagram name decal for free. (Automatically applied at checkout.) And don't forget add to cart our free decal (Price 0.00 USD).

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